The Best of Vermont

15 Facts You Didn’t Know about Vermont

There’s a ton to learn about Vermont, as it boasts a rich history and many facts and accolades making it a unique state in which to live and visit. Here are 15 fun facts you didn’t know about Vermont…

15 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Vermont & Vermont Living

1. Vermont is the Green Mountain State, which originates from Verd Mont (Ver Mont) in French, and more than 75% of the state is covered in greenery and mountains.

2. In 1791, Vermont became the 14th state.

3. Vermont’s capital city is Montpelier, the smallest capital city in the US and the only one that doesn’t have a McDonald’s. There are five cities in Vermont larger than Montpelier.

4. Two US presidents were born in Vermont: Calvin Coolidge and Chester Arthur.

5. Vermont was the first state to ban billboards (followed by Maine, Hawaii, and Alaska) in 1968.

6. Vermont boasts more breweries per capita than any other state in the US.

7. Vermont has only one single area code – 802 – and is only one of about a dozen states to claim this.

8. There are 104 covered bridges in Vermont – that’s more covered bridges per square mile than any other state.

More Fun Facts about Vermont

9. Vermont only has one mountain over 4,000 feet  that’s Mount Mansfield and is the highest peak in Vermont at 4,393 feet.

10. Lake Champlain was a Great Lake for 18 days in 1988. Covering 490 square miles, the title of a Great Lake was stripped from the lake adjoining Vermont and New York.

11. Vermont has a law that if you leave your home naked, you cannot be fined for indecent exposure out in public. The key here is you need to leave your dwelling nude…

12. Mount Ascutney in Windsor, Vermont, is a great spot for hiking but also a volcano!

13. The Vermont Danby Quarry is the largest underground marble quarry in the world, stretching for over a mile.

14. Vermont has one cow for every 3.8 people in the state; dairy is the largest agricultural industry in the state.

15. The Von Trapp Family, of The Sound of Music, relocated to Stowe, Vermont, where they still run a popular resort and brewery.

What fun facts are your favorite nuggets of Vermont information?

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