Burlington Vermont

Briliant Massage Therapy - Burlington, Vermont

Brilliant Massage Therapy, Burlington, Vermont

I’m a high-stress, tense, go-go-go individual. I always have been and, I suspect, I always will be. I’m happiest (and most efficient and most fulfilled) when I have numerous competing interests in my life: work, freelance work, blogging, travel, being an attentive partner and dog momma, keeping in […]

Bouillabaise - Bleu Northeast Seafood

Bleu Northeast Seafood, Burlington, Vermont

When I was in college at Middlebury, I spent my summers on Campobello Island, an eight-mile by three-mile island on the Bay of Fundy that also is home to FDR’s 34-room summer “cottage”. It’s really rural and makes Middlebury—and most Vermont towns—look like a thriving metropolis. There are no traffic lights for 75 […]